Upi Sorvali You're not alone You're not alone Upi Sorvali 1982 221, 4, 4, pno, 2elg, elbas, ... Music Finland
Ilari Hongisto With Different Kinds of Speeds With Different Kinds of Speeds Ilari Hongisto 2007 2vln, vla, vlc, 4perc, pno Music Finland
Osmo Lindeman Vente aux enchères Vente aux enchères Osmo Lindeman 1967 4fl, 3trb, cel, hp, 2pno, 4pe... Music Finland
Matti Rag Paananen The White Maasai's Jazz Symphony The White Maasai's Jazz Symphony Matti Rag Paananen 1997 3333 4331 14 1, str, sax+fl, ... Music Finland