Cecilia Damström
Cecilia Damström has always wanted to tell stories with her music and her way of addressing the surrounding world and the troubles our time runs like a common thread throughout her compositions. Damström masters many forms of expression, from chamber and vocal music to children’s opera and big orchestra works.
In her music she has treated gender equality, mental and physical health issues as well as ecological topics. Her work ICE for symphony orchestra won the Teosto prize in 2022.
Title | Instrumentation | Year | Category | Duration | Available from |
Aino | fl, cl, vln, vlc, pno | 2018 | Chamber Works | 24:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Angor | chx (SSSAAATTTBBB) | 2015 | Vocal and Choral Works | 06:00 | Music Finland |
At Teasdale’s | chm (TTTTBBBB) | 2016 | Vocal and Choral Works | 05:00 | Bo Ejeby Förlag |
Aveo | vlc | 2022 | Works for Solo Instrument | 05:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Celestial Beings | vln, vla | 2016 | Chamber Works | 14:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Characters | pno | 2015 | Works for Solo Instrument | 05:00 | |
Cura | vln, pno | 2020 | Chamber Works | 07:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Dagbok | sopr, pno | 2013 | Vocal and Choral Works | 10:00 | Music Finland |
Djurens Planet | sopr, mezzo, baryt, 2 children sopr, chc, elpno, elg | 2018 | Works for the Stage | 45:00 | |
Dumma Kungen | 4sopr, mezzo, ten, bass, chf (SSA), fl, cl, trp, perc, pno, acc, str (min 11011) | 2017 | Works for the Stage | 01:05:00 | Music Finland |
Earth Songs | 1111 1000 01, pno, str (11110), vln solo | 2022 | Works for Soloist(s) and Orchestra | 25:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Epitaph | pno | 2018 | Works for Solo Instrument | 05:00 | |
Extinctions | 3333 4331 13, pno+cel, str | 2023 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 19:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Fretus | str | 2021 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 10:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Groove | fl, acc | 2015 | Chamber Works | 06:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Hav | chm [TTTTBBBB] | 2020 | Vocal and Choral Works | 15:00 | |
Helene | fl+pic, ob, cl, bsn, pno | 2020 | Chamber Works | 21:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
ICE | 2222 4331 11 1, str | 2021 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 10:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Infirmus | str | 2015 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 07:30 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Information | 3333 4331 13 1, pno, str | 2024 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 11:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Letters | 2vln, vla, vlc | 2018 | Chamber Works | 15:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Loco | vla | 2010 | Works for Solo Instrument | 05:00 | Music Finland |
Lucrum | 2222 4231 11 0, str | 2018 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 06:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Lucrum | 2222 4200 01 0, str | 2018 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 07:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Min Gud | chx [SSSAAATTBB] | 2010 | Vocal and Choral Works | 12:00 | Music Finland |
Minna | 2vln, vla, vlc, pno | 2017 | Chamber Works | 25:00 | Music Finland |
Missa Brevis | chx | 2017 | Vocal and Choral Works | 11:00 | Music Finland |
Nisus | vln, vla, vlc | 2019 | Chamber Works | 12:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Nixus | 4444 4431 13 0, pno+cel, str or 2222 2201 01, pno+cel, str | 2020 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 10:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Öar i ett hav som strömmar | sopr, pno | 2019 | Vocal and Choral Works | 12:00 | |
Paradiso | 2152 2 323 00011 3 | 2015 | Works for Wind Orchestra | 04:00 | Music Finland |
Pauli Ord | chm | 2017 | Vocal and Choral Works | 09:00 | |
Permafrost | acc solo, str | 2023 | Works for Soloist(s) and Orchestra | 22:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Piano Delirium | pno | 2009 | Works for Solo Instrument | 03:30 | Music Finland |
Renewables | acc | 2022 | Works for Solo Instrument | 14:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Requiem for our Earth | chf, tape | 2019 | Vocal and Choral Works | 30:00 | |
Science Frictions | 1111 1100 01, str, cten, chx (SATB) | 2022 | Vocal and Choral Works | 20:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Shapes | acc | 2016 | Works for Solo Instrument | 16:00 | Music Finland |
Sof godt! | 2018 | Vocal and Choral Works | 09:00 | ||
Superevolo | chc | 2020 | Vocal and Choral Works | 07:00 | |
Sydänlaulu | vln | 2014 | Works for Solo Instrument | 06:30 | Music Finland |
The Holocene Extinction | chm [TTBB] | 2023 | Vocal and Choral Works | 09:00 | |
Tidens ordning | bbaryt, pno | 2017 | Vocal and Choral Works | 08:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Tundo! | 2222 4221 02 0, str | 2016 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 10:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Unda | pno | 2024 | Works for Solo Instrument | 06:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Under Stjärnhimlen | pno/org/guit [piano or organ or guitar] | 2014 | Works for Solo Instrument | 02:15 | Music Finland |
Vibrations | rec, vln, org | 2021 | Chamber Works | 17:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |
Vickan & Väinö | sopr, ten, baryt, acc | 2019 | Works for the Stage | 40:00 | |
Vidkänning | chf | 2019 | Vocal and Choral Works | 08:00 | |
Visheten | chx [SSAATTBB] | 2013 | Vocal and Choral Works | 08:00 | Music Finland |
Wasteland | 2222 4231 02, str | 2022 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 20:00 | Gehrmans Musikförlag |