21 pages
Dagbok, which means diary in Swedish, is a song cycle for soprano and piano. It was written at many different stages during 2009-2013. During my student exchange period in Valencia in the spring 2011 I had got to a point when I had a mental blockade and just couldn’t compose. I wanted to write something that would be easy for me to compose, which in my case is vocal music. I had to choose a text, but the Spanish libraries are not exactly crowded with Finnish or Swedish poetry. Due to this I started getting Wagnerian ideas about writing both the text and music my self. I rifled through my old diary and found these poems, which I am fond of still, despite how pathetic they are.
First I decided to write the song “Jag vill” (I want to), which became the last song in the cycle. Thereafter I wrote the song “Stanna” (Stay), but as an exception the text for this song was written alongside with the music in the spring 2011. The song “Int’ ett ord” (Not a word) was written in the summer 2011, just before my long compositional break. The project rested for almost two years, but in the spring 2013 I decided that the time had come to complete the cycle.
The songs “Kallare” (Colder) and “Stigar” (Paths) were composed in the spring 2013, after which I had to revise the piano parts of the first two songs which was a completely new challenge for me. The song cycle is now finally completed and it had a great first performance in Tampere at Pyynikkisali on the 7th of May 2013. It was performed by my lovely sister Jacintha Damström, to whom this song cycle is dedicated, and she was accompanied by the wonderful pianist, my friend Maritta Manner.
Suvisaaristo 27th june 2013
Cecilia Damström
sopr, pno
Vocal and Choral Works
Op. 21
Cecilia Damström
Jacintha Damström, soprano, Maritta Manner, piano, May 7, 2013, Tampere, Finland
1.Stanna, 2.Int' ett ord, 3.Kallare, 4.Stigar, 5.Jag vill
Dedicated to Jacintha Damström
21 pages
21 pages
Digital (PDF)