Miniatures for piano solo
These eleven miniatures for piano solo are all inspired by my classmates
in high school. They were composed in spring 2015 and premiered by Linn
Bertland at Malmö Academy of Music on the 7th of May 2015. The last
miniature (The Stressed Artist) is a self portrait of me at the age of
17. Have fun imagining all the characters!
- Cecilia Damström
CategoryWorks for Solo Instrument
Opus no.op. 37
Linn Bertland, piano, May 7, 2015, Malmö Academy of Music
Movements1. The Comfortable One, 2. The One Who Always Has An Opionion, 3. The Calm Girl from the Countryside, 4. The Polite but Crazy Guy, 5. The One Who Never Sits Still, 6. The One with an Eating Disorder, 7. The Intrigue Maker, 8. The Queen and Mother of the Herd, 9. The Joker, 10. The Dreamer, 11. The Stressed Artist
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