for piano
For this new solo piano piece inspired by water, I chose the Latin word “unda”
as its title, which means wave, ripple, water, or stream. “Unda” tells
the story of what has happened to many freshwater bodies over the past
100 years: many pure freshwater bodies have been polluted by dioxin and
later restored to their original state with much effort. In this piece, I
describe the two chemical formulas: first, water (H₂O) represented by
the notes B, B, and F# (the German notation for B natural is H), and
then the intruder, dioxin (C4H4O2), represented by the chord B-C-F#-B-C
in both hands. The dioxin travels through all registers and is
eventually slowly filtered out until we return to the pure state of
CategoryWorks for Solo Instrument
Opus no.op. 88
Niklas Pokki, piano, Mänttä Music Festival, July 31, 2024, Mänttä, Finland
Commisioned by / dedicationsCommissioned by the Mänttä Music Festival