Om fotspår och ljus

by Lotta Wennäkoski

Helsinki Variations

Jalanjälkiä ja valoa

for orchestra

Empty sheet

Lotta Wennäkoski

Om fotspår och ljus

Fennica Gehrman


In the ”Helsinki Variations” series the composers have chosen a Finnish composition written before 1945 as a source for inspiration for their own work commissioned by the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra. Om fotspår och ljus (Of Footprints and Light) is based on a scene from the opera Asiens ljus (Light of Asia) by Ida Moberg (1859–1947). The opera tells the story of the Buddha’s life, and in the very scene the young prince Siddhartha Gautama sings to his faithful servant Channa in the palace garden. The composer worked with the opera from 1910 until her death. The opera remained unfinished, and presumably only an excerpt (”Lullaby”) has ever been performed in public.

– Lotta Wennäkoski


3232 2221 03 1, str [pic, bcl]


Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble


Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Susanna Mälkki, cond. September 11, 2019, Helsinki

Commisioned by / dedications

Commissioned by Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra (Finland 100 & Helsinki Variations)


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