Läike is the first "real" piece I have written – I did not start composing before the age of 24. Although I now hear a certain impressionistic flavour in the gleaming curves of the trio, the piece still feels "mine". It reminds me of the feeling that I then had: that the music unexpectedly felt very familiar. It felt my own.
Läike is a short trio for clarinet, violin and piano composed in 1994.
© Lotta Wennäkoski (2010)
Läike on lyhyt terssiläikkymö viulun ja pianon avustamalle klarinetille.
© Lotta Wennäkoski (1994)
cl, vln, pno
CategoryChamber Works
Patrik Stenström, clarinet, Juha-Pekka Koivisto, violin, Minna Koskimies, piano, Ears Open! Society concert, Helsinki, December 8, 1994
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