Tiksu (Mun on ikävä sua, pentu), live version
Tick (I miss you, pet); Ticou (Tu me manques, petit)
live version
Juhani Nuorvala
Tiksu (Mun on ikävä sua, pentu), live version
A post-Acid House love story.
In the toilet of a dance club, a young woman and a young man talk about whether everything between and around them has reached a dead end, or not.
The sound carries from the dance music playing on the other side of the wall into their heads and out again, turning into the music of their minds.
© Juhani Nuorvala, 1997
2 actors, tapes and live electronics
Electro-acoustic Works, Works for the Stage
Michale Baran
Kolina Seppälä, Petteri Summanen, actors, Helsinki, 9 December 1997.