Sonata nostalgica

by Kari Rydman

per violino solo e pianoforte

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Kari Rydman

Sonata nostalgica

Edition Tilli


After exploring many modernist trends, the composer, in his old age, wanted finally to write a ”proper” Late
Romantic violin sonata, in which melodies could flourish freely, only spiced with fresh harmonies. The starting
point was a tender musical portrait of a young violinist, which became the second movement of the sonata. The
composer only needed to add a respectable first movement in sonata form, and some sprightly, atmospheric
dances for the finale, and behold, a proper old-time pseudo-autobiographic violin sonata emerged. The title
naturally required the characterization “nostalgic”, just in case.


vln, pno


Chamber Works

Opus no.

op. 122


1. L'Estate molti anni fa / A Summer Many Years Ago / Eräs kesä monta vuotta sitten, 2. La Signorina amorosa / A Lovable Damsel / Muuan rakastettava neiti, 3. La Danza / Dance / Tanssi

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