Repertoire of Peppe Jalava Parvi
Pertti Jalava
Repertoire of Peppe Jalava Parvi
Saxophones / flute, el. guitar, keyboard, bass, drums
Premiere Broadcasted by YLE 1984Markku Pekkalainen: bass 1984-1985Kari Lindgren: guitar 1984-1989Keijo Selin: drums 1984-1985Jouni Raudaskoski: flute 1984Pertti Jalava: keyboards 1984-1989Mikko Multamäki: bass 1986-1987Kimmo Taivalantti: drums 1986Jari Kivimäki: drums 1987-1989Jussi Haukioja: bass 1988-1989Timo Lahti: saxophone and flute 1988-1989Ari Rönni: bass 1989
Loitsu - The IncantationUkko´ fillari liikennevalois - My Old Mans Bike at Traffic Lights*Kesällä -82 - In Summer -82*Hyvä uutinen - Good News*Runo - The Poem*Tuulihattu Marille - Pastries for Mari*Latu yli harjun - A Trail Over the Culmen*Jokiranta aamuauringossa - River Bank in the Morning Sun*Kevättuuli Turun satamassa - Spring Wind at Turku Harbour*Bolero - Muodonmuutos - Bolero - MetamorphosisMusiikkia naapurin iloksi - Some Music to Delight My NeighbourTakaisin - Coming BackSe o sit taas perjantai - It´s Friday AgainVaa´an toinen kuppi - Another Cup of the BalanceKaislikko - Bed of ReedsLofootit - Lofot IslandsSyyslehtien hyppykisat - The Jumping Race of Autumns LeavesMummon mustikkahillo - Grand Ma´s Huckleberry JamTuttua polkua - Along the Familiar PathNotkurne - Bending at NightHampaani jäljet mä tunnen - I Know the Marks of My TeethKaarlen silta - The Charles BridgeVartti yli neljä - Quater Past FourVeli - BrotherMehiläisen tanssi - The Dance of a BeeMaaginen matkalaukku - The Magical SuitcaseSuuri vipu - A Huge LeverHyvästi yksiö - Goodbye One-Room Flat