Micromusic I

by Tomi Räisänen

3 Pieces for Music Box

Empty sheet

Tomi Räisänen

Micromusic I



This small suite is for a 30-note manual music box. For each written note, a hole is punched onto a cardboard strip, similar - on a small scale - to the classic piano roll for the player piano. It's impossible to manually punch holes with absolute mathematical precision, so the cardboard strip in itself becomes a kind of interpretation of the written score. Unlike mechanical piano rolls, these pieces are performed by a person, turning the crank of the music box at the chosen speed, with occasional accelerations and slowing the tempo. This aspect also means that each performance is more or less unique. TR, 2024


music box


Works for Solo Instrument


First performance on February 24, 2024, in Tokyo, Japan by Tomi Räisänen


I. Crystals, II. Bubbles, III. Aurorae

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