Kun nukuit, avasin oven ja kävelin ulos lämpimään yöhön

by Pertti Jalava

While You Were Sleeping, I Opened the Door And Walked Out Into a Warm Night)

for Flute, Harp and Viola

Empty sheet

Pertti Jalava

Kun nukuit, avasin oven ja kävelin ulos lämpimään yöhön

Music Finland

fl, hp, vla


Chamber Works


Lorien Trio, December 18, 2010, Bytom, Poland


I Kun nukuit, avasin oven... (While You Were Sleeping, I Opened the Door...), II Ja kävelin ulos... (And Walked Out...), III Lämpimään yöhön (Into a Warm Night)

Commisioned by / dedications

Commissioned by Aleksandra Batog for Lorien Trio

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