Balloon Work

by Tomi Räisänen

for guitar and 4 balloons

Empty sheet

Tomi Räisänen

Balloon Work


Balloon Work is written for five musicians. Four of them play balloons producing squeaky, breathy, rubbing and inflating sounds. The fifth musician (who is not required to be a guitarist) plays the back of the guitar with a friction mallet to create whalesong-like sounds. Not a single normal musical note is played in this piece. But then again, what is “normal” in music?

Tomi Räisänen, 2021


guit, 4instr (balloons)


Chamber Works


Curious Chamber Players: Anna Melander, Kristine Tjøgersen, Karin Hellqvist, Frederik Munk Larsen and Malin Bång, conducted by Rei Munakata, October 27, 2011, Aberdeen, Scotland

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