Uuno Klami

"Uuno Klami was the youngest of the leading Finnish modernists of the 1920s. He first made a name for himself with a concert of his works in 1928, by which time the
other modernists of the same period - Ernest Pingoud, Väinö Raitio and Aarre
Merikanto - were already abandoning their boldest stylistic experiments. Klami
composed some of his main works in the 1930s, otherwise something of an
interlude in Finnish music, and his creative drive continued into the post-war
period. Klami was a master of the orchestra who, like Stravinsky, succeeded in
combining national elements with international modernism. Another kindred
spirit was Ravel, with whom he shared an ability to play with different musical

A feature rarely found in Finnish music is Klami's humour." - Kimmo Korhonen

