Timothy Ferchen
Timothy Ferchen is most known as a percussionist, playing for decades with the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra as well as earlier with the Steve Reich Ensemble.
As a composer, his output consists almost exclusively of music for his own instruments, reaching from timpani solos and marimba ensembles to music with live-electronics.

Title | Instrumentation | Year | Category | Duration | Available from |
3 Scenes from a Closed Window | vibr, 4perc | 2020 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Almost | perc, tape | 2001 | Works for Solo Instrument | 07:30 | Music Finland |
Auburn | bsn, hp, 2mar, vibr, glock | 2010 | Chamber Works | 14:30 | Music Finland |
Bell Songs | perc [song bells], tape | 2015 | Works for Solo Instrument | 06:50 | Music Finland |
Bell Songs 2 | glock, tape | Works for Solo Instrument | 07:00 | Music Finland | |
Bell Songs 3 | perc [chimes], tape | 2021 | Works for Solo Instrument | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Beyond | db, perc | 2003 | Chamber Works | 08:00 | Music Finland |
Body and Soles | ensemble, perc solo | 2007 | Works for Soloist(s) and Orchestra | 05:30 | Music Finland |
Bridge | 3trp, hn, ttrb, btrb, tba, timp, perc | 2013 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Broken | 3perc | 2001 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Chalumar | cl, mar | 2023 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Clarion | cl, vibr, 2mar, glock | 2024 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Colors on a Page | bsn, hp, vibr+mar | 2015 | Chamber Works | 10:14 | Music Finland |
Etudes for Marimba Vol. 1 | mar | Works for Solo Instrument | 00:00 | Edition Svitzer | |
Etudes for Marimba Vol. 2 | mar | 2009 | Works for Solo Instrument | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Everett | 2perc | 2003 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | [withdrawn] |
Five! For Three Too Won! | 4perc | 1990 | Chamber Works | 12:00 | Music Finland |
Fluisce | fl, perc, 2vibr, 2mar | 2008 | Chamber Works | 10:30 | Music Finland |
Forever and a Day | sopr, 2vibr, 2mar, perc, hp | 1984 | Vocal and Choral Works | 17:00 | Music Finland |
Four Nocturnes | mar | 1998 | Works for Solo Instrument | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Ghost | hp, vibr | 2021 | Chamber Works | 09:00 | Music Finland |
Hambone music | 3perc | 1990 | Chamber Works | 08:00 | Music Finland |
Hambone's Return | 10perc | 2013 | Works for Orchestra or Large Ensemble | 06:00 | Music Finland |
Les vents d'avril | fl, ob, cl, bsn, hn | 2023 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Mallet Quartet | 2mar, 2vibr | 2017 | Chamber Works | 15:00 | Music Finland |
Masquerades | 4perc, tape | 2019 | Chamber Works | 15:00 | Music Finland |
Music for a Day Gone By | 2cornet, 2hn, euph, tba, mar solo | 2017 | Chamber Works | 10:00 | Music Finland |
Music for a Quiet Day | ob, hp, 2mar, vibr, perc | 2014 | Chamber Works | 10:00 | Music Finland |
Music for four marimbas | 4mar | 2018 | Chamber Works | 10:15 | Music Finland |
Music for Vibraphone and 5 Winds | vibr, fl, ob, cl, bcl, bsn | 2012 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Obelence | ob, hp, perc, vibr, 2mar | 2008 | Chamber Works | 14:00 | Music Finland |
Petit Four | 4perc | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland | |
Sahara | fl, vibr | 2019 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Sideman | perc, tape | 1993 | Works for Solo Instrument | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Sideman II | perc, tape | 1993 | Works for Solo Instrument | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Sirens | perc, tape | 2014 | Works for Solo Instrument | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Small Things | perc, tape | 2013 | Works for Solo Instrument | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Snarff | vibr, tape | 1999 | Works for Solo Instrument | 09:30 | Music Finland |
Songs of the Wintery Night | 4perc, 2mar, 2vibr | 2006 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Stick it! | 5perc | 2013 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Stories from Another World | mar+vibr, tape | 2014 | Works for Solo Instrument | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Stream | 4mar+vibr, tape | 2020 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Suite for Percussion | 4perc | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland | |
Sweet | timp | 1998 | Works for Solo Instrument | 00:00 | Music Finland |
The Gnu Tango | perc, db | 1995 | Chamber Works | 04:15 | Music Finland |
The Partials of Color | mar solo, 5perc | 2017 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
The White Quintet | fl, vibr, mar, perc, pno | 2010 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Three Pieces | vibr, pno | 2016 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Tino | 2222 2000 02, pno, str, mar solo [bcl] | 2004 | Works for Soloist(s) and Orchestra | 24:00 | Music Finland |
Tino | mar, 2vln, vla, vlc, db, pno, vibr | 2004 | Chamber Works | 24:00 | Music Finland |
Together | 16vibr/mar/xyl/perc | 2020 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Trio | mar, 2vibr | 2017 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Trio 2 | vibr, 2mar | 2022 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |
Variants and Deviants | perc, tape | 2012 | Works for Solo Instrument | 04:00 | Music Finland |
Villen vauhti | perc | 2003 | Works for Solo Instrument | 03:00 | Music Finland |
Waltz for Miro | xyl, glock, vibr, 2mar [marimba top, marimba bottom] | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland | |
Woodwork | 5perc | 1997 | Chamber Works | 00:00 | Music Finland |