Markus Fagerudd Stream & River Motion Stream & River Motion Markus Fagerudd 2016 2222 2200 00 0, str, acc solo... Music Finland
Kirmo Lintinen Concerto per tuba ed orchestra Concerto per tuba ed orchestra Kirmo Lintinen 2014 3333 4330 13 1, cel, str, tba... Fennica Gehrman
Markus Fagerudd The Return of Iigo the Elephant The Return of Iigo the Elephant Markus Fagerudd 2013 1111 1000 00 0, str, tba solo... Uusinta Publishing Company
Jouni Kesti Tuba or not Tuba Tuba or not Tuba Jouni Kesti 2013 2222 4220 13 0, pno, str, tba... Music Finland